Integrated Policy Statement
The Integrated Management System Policy of the CJ Murphy Group is to carry out all aspects of the delivery of our services to customers in conformance with the requirements of this Management System and thus the requirements of ISO 9001, AS4801 and ISO14001.
The company relies solely on its customers for its continued existence and it is our objective to consciously provide a high level of customer satisfaction through consistently achieving compliance with customer requirements as well as regulatory and other requirements.
The Directors and managers of CJ Murphy Group are committed to the principles of environmental sustainability and prevention of pollution and have committed the organisation to conducting all of its operations in an environmentally responsible manner.
Our objective is to continually improve our service through seeking to observe and listen to our customer’s expectations and understand their needs. This ensures the Quality of our service and our continued performance as an organisation.
We have a transparent and highly accountable approach to our Workplace Health and Safety Management System and this Policy and other relevant information is freely available to the public and other stakeholders.
The key points of our Policy are:
- Our Policy is to deliver a quality product and/or service to our clients that provides benefits to our clients in excess of the cost of the product and/or service whilst at the same time providing a satisfying and stimulating work environment for ourstaff.
- Our Management System also enhances staff satisfaction by providing clear statements of responsibility and job requirements to all staff members. Our commitment to a high level of customer satisfaction through the delivery of quality services is reflected in the value we place on our contract staff and employees.
- The CJ Murphy Group is committed to providing a safe work environment and ensuring that our practices take into consideration all environmental impacts. We encourage our contractors, employees and customers to follow safe and environmentally sound workpractices.
- Our forward planning reflects our commitment to maintaining and improving our performance through establishing Management Objectives and updating them as our business develops.
- This Policy is made available to all personnel of The CJ Murphy Group. Implementation of this policy is mandatory.
- Through the implementation of this Policy, we aim to achieve our objective of continually improving our performance as providers of contracting services.